Since it is now also possible for foreign students to work, grant-holders will be able to complete an internship in one of our partners’ and sponsors’ enterprises.
Program structure
The program consists of three phases:
After the studies to be pursued have been selected we support grant-holders in Cuba with the preparation of the documents needed for registration at the University of Vienna. After these documents have been compiled, grant-holders are required to participate in a 3 month orientation stay in Austria in order to take German classes and get acquainted to Austrian traditions and culture. During this stay grant-holders finalize their decision regarding their studies with the support of Austrian volunteers who will also help them with registration procedures at the University of Vienna and eventual preparatory classes. At the end of the stay grant-holders will receive their admission notice, which then allows them to apply for the granting of a residence permit in Austria. The handling of this application normally takes between six to nine months. After the application has been approved grant-holders will return to Austria to start their first semester just in time. Any grant-holder whose (language) skills are deemed not sufficient will be registered as non-degree students and attend university training courses to either complete their German language knowledge or pass supplementary examinations.
Financial Details - Scholarship
Monthly Stipend
The grant-holders will receive a monthly stipend provided in cooperation with well-known Austrian companies over the duration of their stay.
Minor employment
Besides their studies, grant-holders are required to pursue a minor employment to the extent of 10 hours per week starting the third month of their stay. Austrian volunteers will support grant-holders in finding such an employment, which depending on individual skills may be combined with a regular internship in one of the sponsors’ enterprises.
Compulsory internhsip
Apart from the required minor employment, all grant-holders are to complete a 3 month internship in their second study section.
Selection criteria
Successful candidates are required to fulfill the following selection criteria:
Application forms